Thursday, December 16, 2010

Coop LDR Items - the Video

Here is the video that goes with the Coop LDR panel. I shot the clips with iPhone during the event. Most people didn't even know I was shooting video at all. I used some pictures I took to fill in some gaps we had. I used one of the trailer templates in iMovie, and it came together really fast. A friend of mine at work added the voice over part.

This one was really fun to make.

Coop LDR Items - the Panel

Here is the panel from the Coop LDR.

This was a nice negative style shot that worked in nicely with the "Grounded" series format.
Be sure to check out the video that goes with this!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Projects galore

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to give some updates on projects in the works:
  • Completed a promo video for the President of Electric Systems (unfortunately its for internal use only)
  • Working on a promo video for a recent Coop event (I should be able to show this one)
  • Working on expanding guitar lesson business (more on this very soon)
  • Working on expanding mentoring activities both at work and at UW Madison
Lots of good stuff!

Stay tuned...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Smart phone, your dog, and beyond

So our dog has been having some issues during eating. And by issues I mean what goes in comes right back out. Like immediately back out. My wife and I were concerned about this so we took the dog to the vet. The vet was asking some questions about what happens and my wife was explaining, and out of this discussion came the idea to take a video while feeding the dog so we could capture the event.

We fed the dog that night and everything was fine, but the next morning was different. My wife was taking video with her smart phone the whole time, so the entire event was captured on video. Then she quickly called the vet and took the dog in later that morning. She showed the vet the video and from that he was able to make a more accurate diagnosis of what was going on.

After thinking about this for a while, it seems like a great opportunity. Think about all these situations where you are trying to explain something to someone:
  • My car won't start
  • My microwave doesn't work
  • My computer has an error
  • My dog is sick
  • My loved one is ill
We have these new tools available to us, and I don't think we realize the potential that they offer. So think about it the next time you are trying to explain something to someone. Maybe it would be easier to show them a video.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Upward Spiral

There tends to be a lot of focus on the downward spiral.

Gloom and doom feeds on gloom and doom.

Oh no, cascading failures leading us to the bottom.


I would like to promote the Upward Spiral.

Good stuff feeds on good stuff.

Out of good stuff comes great stuff.

Doing something gets you doing something else.

Ideas are created, worked, and from them more new ideas come.

And remember, its the Upward Spiral we want.