Wednesday, September 29, 2010

UT Info Session and Resume Review

So at UT (that's the University of Toledo) for an info session, career fair, and interviews over the next few days. Last night I did an info session, which turned into an impromptu resume review session. The info session itself went pretty good. For the first part, I focused on what a coop session is and how it can help you succeed. I had contacted some previous students and gotten their feedback on their coop session and how it had helped them in their career. I shared this feedback with the students and they seemed to appreciate it. One coop was in the audience so I asked him to speak on his experience. I find its best to let the students do the talking, because that's what students will listen too. The 2nd part of the info session focused on our company and what we do. Most students have no idea how many products we create, so its always fun to share that information.

During Q&A at the end one student asked the "What are you looking for?" at a career fair question. I responded by asking the students if anyone would like to put their resume up in front of everyone for me to review. One volunteer stepped, which was great for him, and away we went. I reviewed the resume from top to bottom and it generated a lot of great discussion and questions for the group. I focused on what was being communicated, and if it was being done correctly. I was able to put the students on the spot and really make them think about what their resume was saying. Personally, I think resumes are outdated and make to easy to accept or reject a person. We need to develop a new Internet based system where each student can post their achievements in a visual manner, and create something that gives more insight into the student and their abilities. I felt this resume review session was actually the best part of the entire session, for both me and the students. Next I might just skip the info session and only do resume review sessions.

Career fair is today, so look for feedback on that either later today or tomorrow sometime.

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