Friday, July 9, 2010

Art all around

So I have often heard that artists create with the media that is available to them. So I wonder what Da Vinci would be doing on his blog, website, or twitter account. Think of all the ideas that he could capture immediately. I know most of us have experienced the loss of a great idea. I know I have, whether it was a guitar riff or an idea for an iPhone app, it was there and then 5 minutes later it was gone. The tools of today allow us to capture and share ideas so much faster then ever before, and the viral capability spreads these ideas at even faster speeds. Anyways, think about it - how many websites do you really love. Would you call those art? Do you classify art as a painting on the wall, a great song, a great poem? I think "art" has been expanded in realms that most people don't notice. Think about it. There is art all around.

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