Monday, July 12, 2010


I came up with some dressing room design ideas while waiting for Kim on Friday night. I decided my goal was to give people an entirely new dressing room experience (both those in the room and those waiting outside) and sell that experience, instead of the clothes.

First off, the design off the dressing rooms itself should create excitement. For example, instead of just dropping the unwanted clothes in the room there would be a machine that would consume them in an inventive way. My first thought was using the old banking air tube system to suck them out of the room. Or something crazier. Something no one would believe.

The experience for those waiting should also be changed. The lounge area should be just that. A lounge area. Have 15 flatscreens playing movies, TV, news, whatever. Make it so the people waiting don't feel like they are waiting.

Lastly the men's dressing room should include a hang out. Like the last room on the left leads into a small lounge area, complete with drinks and pool tables and the like. There would be TVs there and one would be showing all the suckers in the ladies room waiting area, who were not aware of the secret hang out.

Again, the store should be selling the wiating experience and not the clothes themselves. Think about it. If someone told you about this cool waiting area, wouldn't you want to check it out for yourself?

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