Monday, July 5, 2010

So let it be written

I should have called this thing "So let it be written" as a tribute to Metallica, but I spaced that. I guess I got caught up in the moment. It is amazing how many tools are available online to this kind of stuff. In the past couple of weeks I have actively contributed to Facebook, YouTube, and created this Blog. The intent is to get the stuff I do out and available to everyone. So my goal is to post everyday about something, post a guitar riff everyday, post an idea everyday, just post something I am passionate about at least once a day.

The next great leap will involve a smart phone, and I am actually excited about that. I will be able to post my ideas as they come to me. I cannot tell you how many times an idea has come into my head only to be washed away by some distraction. For example, creating an iPhone app to pay for parking ramp bills, or even parking meters. How cool would that be, you park at the meter, use your phone to log into the meter, and go. Then when you get back you just pay what you owe right there. If there is some parking time limitation, then your phone could notify you when your time is almost up, and even better the cop writing the ticket could send you a notification as they are doing it. How fun would that be?

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